Starting, for real

I had the day off of work today and for various reasons I don’t want to go into, social media is a wildly awful place for me to be right now. So it was time to sort out this website for real, and HA. All I had to do was update the blog to have a landscape from Glitch and suddenly I’m now comfortable with people looking at it.

Next up: emptying drafts of my writing over the past 2 years onto the page here until they look more like something I’d like to re-read at some point again.

Is there something you wish I would write about? Heck, let me know.

Starting over

I haven’t bought a new domain name and put it to use since 2006. It’s been 2008 since I last had an empty blog.

I’m not sure what’s more overwhelming, an empty page or a default theme. Empty pages are failures to create words, and a default theme is a failure of imagination. Except: that’s nonsense! I judge the work I haven’t done more harshly than anything I have done and that’s one hell of a distortion,

Why did I buy a new blog? There’s several reasons but mostly, it’s time to write longform again. And my previous domain name no longer suits me, and I’m tired of having ad networks own my writing, and I need a bit more multimedia than I’m getting on my DW (and — okay this is heresy but I kind of need a rich text editor at this point in my life). But that’s okay because DW will still always be a place for semi-private thoughts and dipping toes into fandom communities, and I don’t always need to embed media with that kind of thing.

The name is a super obscure Mister Rogers’s Neighborhood reference. I’ve gone so far as to write up guidelines for what it would mean to be in a gaming guild I would run themed after a tavern named Purple Twirling Kitty but: being real with myself? I don’t have time to run a guild, and my existing gaming guild suits all my needs. A place where I can write though? I can and should do that.

Anyway. This was some text so I can see what it looks like on the WordPress theme that I’m absolutely not going to spend all night customizing.